³ñíèê Ëüâ³âñüêîãî óí³âåðñèòåòó. Ñåð³ÿ ô³çè÷íà 58 (2021) ñ. 39-49
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30970/vph.58.2021.39


Ì. Âàâðóõ, Î. Ñòåëüìàõ, Ä. Äç³êîâñüêèé

Ðîçðàõóíêàìè êîåô³ö³ºíòà ïîãëèíàííÿ ³ ñïåêòðàëüíî¿ ³íòåíñèâíîñò³ íåïåðåðâíîãî âèïðîì³íþâàííÿ Ñîíöÿ íàìè âñòàíîâëåíî ³ñíóâàííÿ øèðîêîìàñøòàáíî¿ äåïðåñ³¿ â îáëàñò³ \lambda\lambda (6500 -- 8200) \AA, ùî ï³äòâåðäæóºòüñÿ ñïîñòåðåæóâàíèìè äàíèìè \cite{Stelmakh_2015, vavrukh_vasiljeva_2016}. Íà îñíîâ³ äàíèõ Îäåñüêîãî ñïåêòðîôîòîìåòðè÷íîãî êàòàëîãó â äàí³é ðîáîò³ ïîêàçàíî, ùî åôåêò äåïðåñ³¿ ñïîñòåð³ãàºòüñÿ ó íåïåðåðâíîìó âèïðîì³íþâàíí³ äåÿêèõ ç³ð ñïåêòðàëüíèõ êëàñ³â A, F, G, ÿê³ íàëåæàòü äî ãîëîâíî¿ ïîñë³äîâíîñò³, ñóáã³ãàíò³â òà ã³ãàíò³â.

Òåêñò ñòàòò³ (pdf)

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