About the Department of Metal Physics
Brief History
The Department of Metal Physics began its academic and scientific work in 1963. It was headed by Professor Dutchak Ya.Y., who was only 30 years old at that time, but he was already known to the scientific community by his original works on the structure of metal alloys. The team of the scientists of the department was also young and everyone had the desire to do as much as possible in the study of metals and their alloys, which were widely used in metallurgy, machine-building, instrumentation and other areas of production. The results obtained at the department were used by such enterprises as the Lviv Plant of Kinescopes, the Scientific Production Association “Termoprylad” and many other enterprises from different parts of the country. In addition to metal alloys, semiconducting materials in the form of thin films have also been studied. The department was one of the first scientific institutions, which began to study the structure and properties of liquid crystals. A powerful scientific school was in the process of creating, which resulted in numerous publications, monographs, defended dissertations and textbooks. The department participated in experimental studies of melted semiconducting alloys in outer space.
Gifted students have always been studying at the department. In the course of their studying they have been involved in scientific work, participated at scientific conferences for students, they have been the winners at the contests of scientific works and presented their findings at conferences and symposiums. For the last 50 years the department has trained more than 700 graduates – specialists in the physics of metals, nanotechnologies and advanced materials and scientific and technical expertise. The graduates of the department also work in the field of diagnostics and examination of materials and technological processes, scientific and technical expertise. They have been employed and succeed in working at scientific institutions of Ukraine, educational institutions, state metrology establishments, in various laboratories related to criminology, certification of materials and diagnostics.
Within the existence of the department 7 Doctors of Science and 87 Doctors of Philosophy obtained their scientific degree.
Today the department has become a powerful scientific team, which has found its prominent place among the most famous institutions for the preparation of physicists-material scientists with solid fundamental knowledge and advanced practical skills.
The head of the department is Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Honored Professor of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Mudryi Stepan Ivanovych. He is a student of Professor Dutchak Ya.Y. and continues to develop research on metallic alloys of various types, including those that are the basis of modern trends in materials science. They primarily include nanoparticles with their unique properties and complex multifunctional systems basing on them.
Today the staff of the department consists of experienced tutors and scientists, known for their scientific achievements in Ukraine and in the world. Among them are honored Professor of the University Mykolaichuk O.H., Professor Yakibchuk P.M., Professor Shcherba I.D., Professor Plevachuk Yu.O., Professor Sklyarchuk V.M.
Educational disciplines
The department trains specialists in applied physics and nanomaterials and in the physics of condensed matter. The tutors of the department lecture on the following courses – molecular physics, techniques and methods of spectral analysis, physical crystallography and the properties of materials, physical materials study, acoustic methods of expertise, diffraction methods of materials research, X-ray examination of metals, X-ray diffraction analysis, cluster physics and nanostructured materials, physics of metals, physical material science, factual problems of condensed matter physics, higher education and the Bologna process, modern methods for investigating defects in crystals, physics of disordered systems, electron microscopy, computer simulation of FTT, thermodynamics of metal alloys, physics of thin films, physico-chemical methods of research.
The educational courses are being constantly improved taking into account the current international requirements for the quality of training specialists who are looking for new materials for different purposes. Constant updating of educational subjects is based on the newest achievements of physics, physical chemistry, crystallography, nanosystem physics, and other related sciences.
Science, cooperation and conferences
The following scientific specialities are being developed at the department:
- the structure and physical properties of metal alloys;
- physics of thin films and nanosystems;
- electronic structure of intermetallics;
- physics of carbon particles and nanocomposites on their basis;
- theoretical and computer methods in the physics of metals and new alloys.
Compliance with modern requirements
The modern world puts forward a number of requirements for the experimental physicist. The most important ones are the following: thorough knowledge of physical and mathematical apparatus, ability to work with complex physical equipment, skills in the use of computer technologies, ability to simulate physical processes through computer systems, fluency in English. The abovementioned knowledge and skills are acquired by the students of the Faculty of Physics whose speciality is “Applied Physics and Nanomaterials” and “Condensed Matter Physics”. In addition, students get knowledge and skills in IT technologies and programming. Individual work with the first-year students is conducted free of charge to adapt them to university studies. Non-resident students are provided with a hall of residence.