Ivan Shcherba
Metal Physics Department
Research interests
- High-energy spectroscopy of ternary intermetallic compounds based on rare earth and d-transition metals.
- Study of the valence state of ions of rare earth elements in compounds with valence instability.
- Electronic structure and chemical bond of oxide compounds.
Publications for the last 5 years
Manuals, monographs:
- I.D.Shcherba, High Energy – Spectroscopy of Compounds, INFU of Lviv, 2018, 304 p. ISBN 978-617-10-0444-3
- I.D.Shcherba, High Energy – Spectroscopy of Materials, Cracow – Lviv, 2016, 226 p. ISBN 978-966-613-929-3
- Z. Shpyrka, A. Ivanushko, І. Shcherba, V. Denys, Електронна структура та особливості Х-променевих спектрів сполук RSCGE (R = CE, SM, EU)// Вісник Львівського університету. Серія хімічна. Ві№ 61 (2020)ВИПУСК 61, Ч. I.
- I. D. Shcherba, V. N. Antonov, O. V. Zhak, L. V. Bekenov, M. V. Kovalska, H. Noga, D. Uskokovic, B.Yatcyk Electronic Structure and X-ray Spectroscopic Properties of the HfFe2Si2 Compound _2019, 2301 (7 p.) Journal of Physical Studies vol. 23, number 2
- I. Shcherba, L. Romaka, A. Skoblik, B. Kuzel, H. Noga, L. Bekenov, Yu. Stadnyk, P. Demchenko, A. Horyn. Structural Study, M?ssbauer Spectra and Electrical Properties of R5Fe6Sn18 (R = Tm, Lu) Compounds//Acta Phys. Pol A, 2019 page158-163. (Impact Factor: 0.857)
- I. D. Shcherba, L.V.Kostyk, H. Noga, L.V. Bekenov, D. Uskokovic, B. M. Jatsyk X-ray spectra and electronic structure of the Ca3Ga2Ge3О12 compound//Solid State Sciences Volume 71, September 2017, Pages 1-2. (Impact Factor: 2.434)
- Shcherba I.D., Bekenov L.V., Antonov V.N., Noga H., Uskokovic D., Zhak O., Kovalska M.V. Electronic structure and X-ray spectroscopic properties of YbNi2P2//J. of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena – 2016. – Vol. 212. –P. 5–10. (Impact Factor: 1.468)
- M. Lytvyn, S. Mudry and I. Shcherba, Influence of small addions of Co on density and surface properties of liquid tin// Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Technica. Folia181, No IX, 2016, p.42-49.
Participation in Conferences:
- YUCOMAT 2016-2019, Herceg Novi, Monte Negro
- Зб. наук. праць XVI наук. конф. ”Львівські хімічні читання–2019”. Львів, 2019
Archive of publications
Monographs, textbooks:
- Ristic, Ya.Dutchak, I.Shcherba. Stabilność, prewraszczenija i fazowyje rawnowiesija metaliczeskich sistem//Belgrad, Yugoslavia, SANY.-1988.-129 s.
- Perechodnyje metaly i ich sojedinienia. Elektronnaja struktura i swojsntwa. (Editors: I.Shcherba, F.Skrypnyk, M.Ristic) Belgrad, Yugoslavia, SANU-1985.179 p.
- Щерба І.Д. Високоенергетична спектроскопія матеріалів, Навчальний посібник. Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, Львів. 2012, 248 с.
- Kawicz J., Shcherba I., Rengenospektralnoje issledowanije elektronnoj strukrury gallidow itrija // FMM (The Physics of Metals and Metallographic) -1981. – vol. 51. N 5. p. 962-965.
- Shcherba, Y.Gorelenko, Ya.Dutchak, M.Ristic, X-ray spectra and electronic structure of R2M3Si5 compounds // J. of the Less-Common Metals. 1986. -123. P. 85-88.
- Trofimowa, I.Shcherba, Y.Gorelenko. Rentgenowskije spektry i elektronnaja struktura sojedinienij tipa R2Fe3Si5.// FMM (The Physics of Metals and Metallographic) -1987. -Vol.63. N 5. p.880-884.
- Ristich, Ya.Dutchak, I.Shcherba, Y.Gorelenko, Crystal structure, X-ray spectra of system R-Co-Si //Bull. VCII de I’ Academic Serba des sciences fech. -1987. -27. p. 33-43.
- Shcherba, L.Nikolaev X-ray spectra and chemical bond of Fe-Al-Si alloys.//Science of sintering. 1987.-19.N2.- p.101-105.
- Shcherba, B.Kotur. Rentgenowskije spektry, chimiczeskaja swiaz i elektronnaja struktura sojedinienij ScM2Si2 (M=Fe, Co, Ni). //Crystallography Reports -1990.-т.35. wyp.1 с.223-225.
- Dutchak Ya., Shcherba I., Ridosh M., Stepanov A., Shulakov A. Elektronnoje strojenije galijewych granatow R3Ga5O12 //FTT/(Physics Solid State). – 1990. – T.32. N 2. –p.610-612.
- Koterlin M., Morokhivski B, Shcherba I. New Ce Kondo lattices in compounds of the systems Ce-Ni-Ga // J. Serb. Chem. Soc. -1991. – 56(12). – p.733-737.
- V. Nemoszkalenko, I.Shcherba, A.Szpak. Elektronno-energetyczna struktura spoluk RCu2Si2 // Bulletin of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine -1992. №8, p.80-83.
- Siczewycz O., Gryn Yu., Shcherba I. Struktura i fiziczeskije swojstwa sojedinienija EuCo6Ga2.4 // FMM (The Physics of Metals and Metallographic) -1992. –Vol.6. Pp. 156-157.
- Shcherba, L.Knygenko, Yu.Gorylenko. Rengenowskije spektry i magnitnyje swojstwa sojedinienij RMn2Si2// FMM (The Physics of Metals and Metallographic) -1992. -Vol. 12, Pp. 143-145.
- Shcherba, M.Ridosh, V.Sinjushko. The peculiarities of the emission spectra of gallium garnets // J. of Alloys and Compounds -1992. -179. -p. 137-140.
- Gladyshewskyj E., Yu.K.Gorelenko, I.D.Shcherba,V.I.Yarovets. Analiz mezatomnych rastojanuj perechodnoj metal-kremnij i tipow chimiczeskoj swiazi w silicidach perechodnych metallow// Inorganic Materials. Vol. 31. No 1. Pp.63-66.
- Shcherba, V.Antonov. X-ray Spectra and Electronic structure of the Compound in the Zr-Co-Si System.// Phys. Stat. Sol. B. 198, 761, (1996).
- Shcherba, M.Koterlyn. Peculiriaties of the valence state of Ce and Yb in RM4Al8 (R=rare earth; M=Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu) //J. of Magn. & Magn. Mat. 157/158 (1996), pp.688-689.
- D.Shcherba, V.M. Antonov, L.O.Dobrianska Electronic structure of YM2P2 compounds // J. of Alloys and Compounds, vol.286, (1999), pp.56-60.
- Koterlyn, I.D.Shcherba. Ja.Kalyczak. Osobennosti transportnych i magnitnych swojstw sojedunienij YbNi4In i YbNiIn4 s walentno-nestabilnym Yb//FTT(Physics Solid State), 1999, Vol. 41, No 11, pp.1918-1921.
- I.Bodak, Yu.K.Gorelenko, V.I.Yarovets, I.D.Shcherba, G.A.Mel’nik, L.O.Dobryanska, and R.V.Skolozdra. Crystal Structure, Interatomic Distances, and X-ray Spectra of the Compounds RM2Si2, R2M3Si5, and RMSi3 (R= Rare Earth, M=Transition Metal) – Inorganic Materials, Vol.35, No4, 1999, pp.360-367.
- V. Skolozdra, I.D.Shcherba at. all. Magnetic properties, electronic structure and X-ray spectra of RCo9Si4 compounds //J. of Alloys and Compounds 296, 2000, pp. 272-275.
- Yu.Gorelenko, I.Shcherba, Yu. Stadnyk, L.Romaka, L.Dobrjanska, B.Jatsyk, O.Bodak, O.Kharchenko. Magnetic properties and electronic structure of RCo9Si4 compounds (R=Sm, Y, Gd, Tb)// Mag. & Mag. Mat. 2001. 192/193, pp 49-53.
- D.Shcherba, J. Szuber, G.Czempic, A. Senkevich, I. Kravczenko Electronic structure of SnO2 // Phуsica Status Solidi B. – 2003. – 238, N1. – P.7– 10.
- D.Shcherba, V.V.Nemoshkalenko, V.M.Antonov, L.O.Dobrjans’ka, D.M.Bilyk. Peculiarities of electron structure of R.E.M2P2 (R.E.=Y, Ce; M=Fe, Co, Ni, Pd, Rh) components// J. of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomenon 11(2003). P. 125-132.
- І.D.Shcherba, V.M.Antonov, L.O.Dobrjanska. Valence State of Ce and Electron Structure of CeM2P2 (Fe, Co, Ni) Compounds//Science of Sintering: Current Problems and New Trends.2003. Yugoslavia. P.359-366.
- Kuzel B.S., Shcherba I.D., Kravczenko I. The contribution of valence unstable ytterbium states into kinetic properties of YbNi2-xGe2+x and YbCu2-xSi2+x //J. of Alloys and Compounds Vol.425. 2006. P.54-58.
- Koterlyn, I. Shcherba, R. Yasnitskii and G. Koterlyn. Peculiarities of the intermediate valence state of Ce in CeM2Si2 (M = Fe, Co, Ni) compounds// J. of Alloys and Compounds (2007). Vol.442. Issues 1-2. P. 176-179.
- Gorelenko, R. Matviishyn, I. Shcherba, V. Pavlyuk, R. Serkiz. Crystal structure, electron structure and physical properties of RM5Si3 compounds, R = Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu; M = Ni, Co//Chemistry of Metals and Alloys//, Vol. 2, Issue 1-2, pages 18-24, June 2009.
- Mudry S., Shtablavyi , Shcherba I. Liquid eutectic alloys as a cluster solution// Archives of Materials Science and Engineering –2008. – Vol. 34, Issue 1.– P. 14-18.
- Iwan D.Szczerba, Bogdan M.Jacyk, Andrzej O. Stosyk. Struktura elektronowa galidow miedzi//Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Crakoviensis Studia Technica V (2012) Folia 97, p.191-196.
- D.Shcherba, D.Uskokovic, V.M.Antonov, B.Ja.Kotur, M. Sacharevych, A.Stosyk, B.M.Jatcyk// Electron srructure of ScFe2Si2 compound: Theory and experiment // Annales Akademie Paedagogicae Cracoviensis/ Studia Technica III, 58, Cracow, 2013. – P.112-118.
- Yulia S. Nykyruy, Ivan D. Shcherba, Stepan Mudry//Laser induced structure transformation in Fe-Cu-Nb-Si-B amorphous alloy. Annales Akademie Paedagogicae Cracoviensis/ Studia Technica III, 59, Cracow, 2014. – P.87-91.
- І.Д. Щерба, М.В. Сахаревич, M. Коник, Н. Савицький , Б.М. Яцик. Рентгенівські спектри та електронна структура сполуки ErMn2Ge2 // Вiсник Львiвського унiверситету. Серiя фiзична. 2014. Випуск 49. С. 35-45/
- Ivan D. Shcherba, et. all X-Ray and Messbauer Spectra and Electronic Structure of ScFe2Si2 Compound //J. Science Materials and Engineering B 5(1-2) (2015) 42-49.
- Yulia S. Nykyruy, Ivan D.Shcherba, Stepan I. Mudry. Laser induced structure transformation in Fe-Cu-Nb-Si-B amorphous alloy//Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Technica. Folia180, No VIII, 2015, p. 112-119.
Ivan D. Shcherba was born in the Zymna Voda village of Lviv region, in 1950. He received the M.S. degree in physics from the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine, in 1972. Since 1976 he has been with the Department of Metal Physics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, where he became a Professor in 2001. He received the Ph.D. and Dr. Sc. degrees in physics from the above university in 1981 and 1993, respectively. His current research interests are mainly in the field of the high-energy spectroscopy of metals and alloys. He has published over 165 papers in professional journals and three monographs. Professor Shcherba participated in 75 international scientific conferences in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Poland, USA, France and other countries.
Professor Shcherba is active supporter of the ethnical revival of the Lemkivshchyna (Poland) where from are his parents. He was the President of the World Federation of Ukrainian Lemko Unions (SFULO) in 2002-2007, the Chair of five SFULO Scientific Conferences and three Congresses. He is the author of over 50 publications on the Lemkos problematic. Professor Shcherba is the Member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Ukrainian Physical Society and Polish Synchrotron Society.
Member of the Pustomyty District Council of the two democratic congresses. For significant contribution to the strengthening of interethnic relations in Ukraine and abroad, for active participation in the development of a democratic society, for the preservation of the Lemko customs and traditions, Ivan Shcherba was awarded the distinction of the State Committee of Ukraine for Nationalities and Migration.
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