Taras Malyi

Position: Lecturer,
Experimental Physics Department, Senior Research Fellow,
Experimental Physics Department
Scientific degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com.ua
LinkedIn profile: www.linkedin.com

Research interests

  • Relaxation of electronic excitations in inorganic bulk and nanostructured inorganic materials and composite organic-inorganic materials
  • Luminescent processes and mechanisms of energy transfer in composite organic-inorganic materials
  • Influence of size effects and spatial confinement on luminescent-kinetic parameters of phosphors and establishment of regularities of these processes with the possibility of controlling their spectral properties
  • Development of methods for early diagnosis of endogenous intoxication of patients by fluorescence spectroscopy in collaboration with fellow physicians



  • Релаксація високоенергетичних збуджень у нанорозмірних матеріалах / О.В. Гектін, А.С. Волошиновський, О.С. Заіченко, В.В. Вістовський, Т.С. Малий, А.В. Жишкович // Харків: “ІСМА”, 2018.– 217 ст.


  • Пат. 126248 Полімерний сцинтилятор / Т. Демків, В. Вістовський, А. Волошиновський, С. М’ягкота, Т. Малий, А. Пушак, О. Заіченко, Н. Мітіна, О. Шаповал / заявники: ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, НУ Львівська політехніка. – № 201800200, опубл. 05.01.2018, P. 1–6.
  • Пат. 133472 Спосіб ранньої діагностики післяпологових гнійно-запальних захворювань методом флуоресцентної спектроскопії / О. Булавенко, Л. Остап’юк, В. Рудь, А. Волошиновський, Т. Малий / заявник: Вінницький медичний університет імені М.І. Пирогова. – № 201810669, опубл. 10.04.2019, P. 1–3.

Basic scientific works:


Born on April 24, 1987 in the town of Sokal. Graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Lviv University in 2009. In 2009-2010 worked as a teacher of physics and computer science. In 2010-2013 PhD student at the Department of Experimental Physics. In October 2014, defended his dissertation on “Radiation recombination processes in wide-gap nanocrystals activated by ions of rare earth elements.” More than 70 scientific publications have been published and a monograph has been co-authored. In 2014, the winner of the regional award for talented young scientists and specialists of the Lviv Regional State Administration and the Lviv Regional Council. In 2014-2016 worked as a researcher, since October 2016 – a senior researcher and scientific leader of state project Fe-43Hp “Multicolor luminescent nanomarkers for biomedical research” for young scientists. Winner of the President of Ukraine Award for Young Scientists in 2018. Participated in the implementation of the grant of the President of Ukraine on a competitive project (№ F75 / 166-2018) of the State Fund for Basic Research. Since 2019, the scientific leader of state projec for young scientists “Electronic and exciton states in the latest semiconductors such as organic-inorganic perovskites.” Since September 2019, Assistant Professor at Experimental Physics.


• Project Fe43-Nr “ Multicolor luminescent nanomarkers for biomedical research ” (state registration number 0116U008071, deadline: 01.09.2016 – 31.07.2018). The project is aimed at solving current physical problems of creating luminescent materials based on nanostructured systems for visualization of biological processes at the cellular level. The project involves the development of new multicolored luminescent inorganic nanoparticles activated by lanthanide ions, which will have narrow spectrally separated bands of luminescence in the visible range of the spectrum, which will provide simultaneous labeling of several types of biological objects in mixed biocultures. The obtained nanoparticles should become the basis for the creation of nanocomposites for the recognition and labeling of microorganisms, including pathogenic bacteria, as well as targeted drug delivery, which will ensure the creation of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment.

• Project Fe85-Hp “ Electronic and exciton states in the latest ionic semiconductors such as organic-inorganic perovskites ” (state registration number 0119U002205, deadline: 01.01.2019 – 31.12.2021). The work is devoted to elucidating the nature of electronic and exciton states, manifestations of dimensional and quantum-dimensional effects in organic-inorganic perovskites such as ABX 3 . The project envisages the cultivation of single crystals and nanoparticles interspersed in dielectric matrices, the synthesis of colloidal nanoparticles by inverse dissolution methods and low-temperature methods of colloidal synthesis. Conducting structural, phase and luminescent-kinetic studies of crystals, nanoparticles and nanocomposites. The main attention will be paid to elucidation of the nature of exciton states, dependences of energy and relaxation times of electronic and exciton excitations on nanoparticle size, temperature, pressure, synthesis conditions, surface condition. Given the significant energy dependence of Ukraine, the results are extremely relevant for the purposeful development of means to convert solar energy into electricity, the latest light sources such as LEDs, laser LEDs, fluorescent labels and temperature detectors of biological objects.


  • Award of the Lviv Regional State Administration and the Lviv Regional Council for talented young scientists and specialists in 2014.
  • Laureate of the Prize of the President of Ukraine for young scientists for the work “New luminescent materials for the registration of ionizing radiation” (authors – Gorbacheva T.E., Rebrova N.V., Malyi T.S., Zhishkovich A.V.) in 2018.


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