Journal of Physical Studies 3(1), 107–112 (1999)

HIGH-ENERGY SINTERED (Nd, Dy)–(Fe, Co)–M–B (M = (Re, W, Zr), (Al, Cr), (Al, Cr, Nb)) MAGNETS

S. Szymura1,2, H. Bala3,4, Yu. M. Rabinovich5, W. Nowy–Wiechu\la2
1Department of Physics, Technical University of Opole,
ul. Luboszycka 3, Opole, PL-45-036, Poland
2Institute of Physics, University of Opole,
ul. Oleska 48, Opole, PL-45-052, Poland
3Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Częstochowa,
Al. Armii Krajowej 19, Częstochowa, PL-42-201, Poland
4Institute of Chemistry, Pedagogical University,
Al. Armii Krajowej 13/15, Częstochowa, PL-42-201, Poland
5Metallotherm Company Ltd., 5–95,
Molodezhnaya Str., Moscow, 117296, Russia

Simultaneous addition of (Re, W, Zr), (Al, Cr) or (Al, Cr, Nb) to the sintered (Nd, Dy)–(Fe, Co)–B magnets affects: refinement of microstructure, high coercivity, thermal stability and improving intrinsic corrosion resistance. This is due to the replacing of conventional Nd–rich constituents by Nd–Co and formation $M$–(Fe, Co), $M$–(Fe, Co)–B ($M$ = Cr, Nb, W, Zr) phases along and/or within the grains. The adding elements strongly influence coercivity mechanism.

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