Journal of Physical Studies 13(1), Article 1901 [4 pages] (2009)


G. V. Yakunina, G. A. Porfir'eva, A. B. Delone, I. V. Oreshina, A. V. Oreshina

Sternberg Astronomical Institute,
Moscow State University, Moscow,119992, Russia,

Results of observations of coronal jets with the instruments UVCS, EIT, LASCO aboard space station SOHO, TRACE and Ulyses are considered. Physical properties of the jets and their dynamics are analyzed. The time of their life varies from a few minutes to an hour. The jets might be hot ($T_e\sim10^6$ K) or cool ($T_e\sim2\cdot10^4$ K) or contain both a hot and a cool plasma. The temperature in jets $T_e$ varies with time quite a little. The velocities of plasma outflows can increase from a hundred km s$^{-1}$ near the Sun to $300\div500$ km s$^{-1}$ or more in the field of view of the coronograph LASCO C2. The velocity increases rapidly at the beginning of the ejection and changes slowly at the end of the event. A quick decrease of the electron density $N_e$ in jets is always observed to the end, being of $10^7\div10^{10}$ cm$^{-3}$ at the beginning of the plasma ejection. Association of jets with the SEP-events is briefly discussed. Data from published scientific papers and Internet have been used.

PACS number(s): 96.60.P-
