Journal of Physical Studies 24(1), Article 1201 [8 pages] (2020)


A. O. Kakaev{1}, V. O. Tarasov{1} , S. A. Cherneshenko{1}, V. D. Rusov{1} , V. O. Sova{2}

{1}Odesa National Polytechnic University,
1, Shevchenko Ave., Odesa, UA-65044, Ukraine,
{2}State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety,
35-37, Vasyl Stus St., Kyiv, UA-03142, Ukraine

Received 25 November 2019; in final form 02 February 2020; accepted 03 February 2020; published online 07 April 2020

At the initial stage, the development of wave reactors, which will operate in the mode of nuclear burning wave (NBW), requires the study of the kinetics of the NBW fuel mode when changing both external parameters (flux density of an external neutron source, thermophysical parameters of heat transfer) and internal parameters (fuel composition, reactor material parameter, delayed neutrons).

In order to confirm the enrichment capabilities of NBW, we evaluated the impact on the fulfillment of the NBW criterion for thorium fuel ($^{232}${Th} with different enrichments according to $^{239}${Pu}) and its behavior during the firing stage. The main differences between the traveling wave reactor and those currently used are that it runs on fuel without enrichment, does not require extra fuel loading, which means that it cannot explode in principle, therefore, it belongs to the safe class. In this case, a self-regulating mode of wave nuclear combustion occurs in it which excludes control rods. Such a reactor can operate at the first stage as a storage (bridder) of fissile material, and after the accumulation of the fuel component, the fission of the formed nuclide occurs. As a result, the neighboring local zone for combustion will be activated, and so on in a repeating mode, until complete burnout. Since combustion occurs locally, the development of an uncontrolled chain reaction and subsequent explosion is impossible, due to the rapid nuclei burning of the active component of the fuel. Moreover, it can be used as a reactor with a homogeneous or heterogeneous core, as well as a reactor with a large temporary company.

To confirm the validity of the criterion fulfillment of slow NBW depending on the neutron energy, a numerical simulation of the thorium fuel NBW mode dynamic was performed, taking into account the delayed neutrons in the thermal and super thermal regions of the neutron energies (0.015-10 eV).


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