Journal of Physical Studies 25(2), Article 2901 [5 pages] (2021)


O. A. Baran{1} , M. M. Koval'chuk{1} , M. I. Stodilka{1} , I. P. Laushnyk{2} , M. B. Hirnyak{1}

1Astronomical Observatory of the Ivan Franko Lviv National University,
8, Kyrylo & Mefodiy St., Lviv, UA–79005, Ukraine,
2Lviv branch of Dnipro National University of Railway Transport,
12-A, I. Blazhkevych St., Lviv, UA–79000, Ukraine

Received 10 December 2020; in final form 18 February 2021; accepted 24 February 2021; published online 27 March 2021

The paper presents data illustrating the development of active regions (ARs) on the Sun. The research was based on photoheliograms received at the Astronomical Observatory of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in September 2014. Information on spots in ARs (the number of spots and their position) was compared with HMI/SDO data ( to establish the polarity of each spot in this region and determine the area of magnetic perturbation around these spots.

We considered a simple region of class $ β $ (NOAA AR 12155) and a complex region of class $ β γ δ $ (NOAA AR 12157). To analyze the distribution of these ARs on the solar surface, we applied the stochastic method from the theory of Markov processes. The application of this method is substantiated by the fact that the observed parameters of ARs are considered as random variables, which are the realization of some random process – the manifestation of the Sun's magnetic field. We calculated the parameters determining the magnitude and nature of the magnetic field of ARs (magnetic dipole moment, magnetic flux density, etc.).

We tracked the evolution of these parameters during the observations. We explored the changes in the degree of the magnetic field imbalance in the area and average flux density. The degree of complexity (interpenetration of fields) for the complex region (NOAA AR 12157) was found to be three times larger than for the simple one (NOAA AR 12155). This indicates a difference in the energy of such magnetic configurations.

Key words: magnetic field of the Sun, active regions, sunspots.

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