Вісник Львівського університету. Серія фізична
58 (2021) с. 30-28
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30970/vph.58.2021.30 Parameters of the deformed algebra with minimal uncertainties in position and momentum and the weak equivalence principleKh. P. Gnatenko, N. A. Susulovska, V. M. Tkachuk |
Deformed algebra [X,P]=i\hbar(1+\beta P2+\alpha X2) leading to the minimal uncertainties in position and momentum is considered. It is shown that the trajectory of motion of a free particle in the quantized space depends on its mass. Also the momentum of the particle is not proportional to mass. We conclude that the free motion does not depend on mass and the momentum is proportional to mass if the parameter of the deformed algebra \beta is inversely proportional to the squared mass and \alpha does not depend on the mass. It is also shown that the same conditions lead to preservation of the weak equivalence principle in the quantized space.