Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Physics
60 (2023) ñ. 61-69
DOI: ``Faked'' Gentile distribution mimicking weakly non-ideal fermionsAndrij Rovenchak |
This study presents an analysis of an approach to emulate weakly non-ideal fermionic systems by modifying the Gentile statistics. In the original Gentile formulation, the maximum level occupation is restricted to integers, which seems a natural requirement. In this work, we depart from this restriction and introduce a small parameter u thus formally setting the maximum occupation to 1+u. By employing this modification, we find connections between the deviation of the system's spectrum from the ideal case and the parameter u. This relationship is derived in the linear approximation over small quantities. We show that an ideal system governed by such a modified Gentile statistics can serve as an approximate model for interacting fermions.