Journal of Physical Studies 5(3/4), 310–315 (2001)


I. S. Gorban, O. A. Yeshchenko, I. M. Dmitruk, M. M. Bilyi

Physics Faculty, Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University
6 Akad. Glushkov pr., Kyiv, 03127, Ukraine

A phonon-roton dispersion relation is proposed for the elementary excitations of a quantum biexcitonic liquid in semiconductors. The proposed dispersion relation is used as a starting point for a calculation of the photoluminescence spectrum of the liquid and an analysis of its behaviour under variation of the temperature and density of the biexcitonic liquid. The parameters of the dispersion curve of elementary excitations of the quantum biexcitonic liquid are evaluated by fitting the calculated photoluminescence spectrum to the experimental spectrum of the biexcitonic liquid of semiconducting $β $-ZnP$_{2}$ crystals. Experimental studies of how the photoluminescence spectrum of a biexcitonic liquid in $β $-ZnP$_{2}$ depends on the temperature and the intensity of the laser excitation confirm the initial theoretical model. The dependence of the temperature of the crystals on the excitation intensity is measured, and for some of the samples an anomalous dependence is found: the temperature of the crystal decreases as the excitation intensity increases. This effect is probably a consequence of the giant thermal conductivity of the superfluid biexcitonic liquid in $β $-ZnP$_{2}$ crystals.

PACS number(s): 71.35.Lk, 78.55.-m

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