Journal of Physical Studies 9(4), 349–357 (2005)


I. V. Stasyuk1, R. Ya. Stetsiv1, R. Ya. Yurechko2

1Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
1, Svientsitskii St., Lviv, UA–79011, Ukraine
2National University ‟Lvivska Politekhnika”,
12, Bandera St., Lviv, UA–79013, Ukraine

The model for the description of the charge transfer in quasi-one-dimensional hydrogen-bonded structures is proposed. The model includes the proton-electron interaction that indicates the charge changes of the ions forming the hydrogen bond, which are caused by proton shifts on the bond, and the cooperative proton-electron transfer. The band electron spectrum is calculated in the mean field approximation (MFA). The mean number of electrons on site depending on the value of the chemical potential $μ$ is obtained. The proton tunnelling frequency, renormalized by the interaction of the proton with the mean field of the electron subsystem is calculated. It is established that the hydrogen-bonded system can be found in three regimes with different width of electron band and essentially different values of the effective proton tunnelling frequency $ Ω^{\rm eff}$. The frequency dependence of the real part of conductivity is obtained. The possibility of the phase transitions like the transformation between uniform phases with different electron concentration $n$ is established depending on the value of the chemical potential $μ$. The separation of the system into the phases with different width of the electron band, different $n$ and $ Ω^{\rm eff}$ as well as different electron conductivity at the given average electron concentration is obtained.

PACS number(s): 72.60.+g; 36.40.-c
