General-faculty news

Observing and Modeling the Universe (video from the Department of Astrophysics)

29.07.2022 | 11:34

About the vocation to Astronomy and its importance both for all of Mankind and for Ukraine, in particular. Astronomical research at Lviv University has been going on for over 250 years. For 25 years, the department of astrophysics, which prepares future researchers of the sky, has been operating here continuously. About cooperation as a complement to the strengths of the Lviv and Vienna astrophysical scientific groups. About why modern astrophysicists are also good programmers. Nebular astrophysics, the study of white...

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Nanoworld on the Palm (video from the Department of Solid State Physics)

20.07.2022 | 19:57

A scanning electron microscope is a window into the micro and nano world of solid objects. Images in high magnification fascinate with their uniqueness and beauty. The unique opportunity to see a micro-object, photograph it and determine its elemental composition is beyond the power of other methods.
Roman Serkiz, the head of the laboratory of physics and technology of nanostructures of the solid state physics department of the physics faculty of Ivan Franko Lviv National University, introduces you to the modern...

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Visualization and research of electrical signals (video from the Department of General Physics)

12.07.2022 | 10:24

In everyday life, we are surrounded by a large number of signals – both analog and digital. How can you “see” electrical signals? We tell:

How to visualize an electrical signal?
How to investigate the parameters of electrical signals?
How to get Lissajous figures?

Explore the simplest electrical signals with Pavel Shchepanskyi, associate professor of the Department of General Physics, Faculty of Physics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

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