General-faculty news

New phenomena, materials, technologies (video from the Department of Metal Physics)

01.07.2022 | 09:21

The creation of new materials and technologies for their production always led to the appearance of new mechanisms and machines that significantly changed the life of mankind and determined the general level of its development. This difficult work is closely related to many sciences, which were also developed and created at the same time, but the central place among them was always occupied by physics. In this video, an attempt is made, using simple examples, to show how a successful...

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The charm of radiation sources (video from the Department of Experimental Physics)

17.06.2022 | 14:19

Is light a wave or a particle? The combination of these features of light has allowed us to create new sources of radiation that we use in everyday life. By analyzing the emission spectra of incandescent, fluorescent and LED lamps, you will make the optimal choice of light sources. We tell:

What components can white light consist of?
How to visualize these components?
What is a diffraction grating?

Embark on this journey with Andriy Zyshkovych, a researcher at the Department of Experimental Physics, Faculty...

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An international project to create a new master’s program in industry-oriented materials science

25.05.2022 | 15:14

The Franco University, in cooperation with the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland), the University of Žilina (Slovakia) and the University of Afyon Kocatepe (Turkey), is implementing an international project to create a new master’s program in industry-oriented materials science.
A seminar on “Needs and Barriers in the Didactics of Materials Engineering” was held on 12-13 May at the University of Silesia in Katowice as part of the European Union-funded Erasmus + (KA220-HED) project “Materials Science – Development of a New...

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Open lecture on the history of physics in Lviv by Professor Andrij Rovenchak (part 3)

23.05.2022 | 15:34

Dear colleagues!
I invite you to my third lecture on the history of physics in Lviv, which will take place on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 from 13:30 to 14:50.
This time the focus will be on physicists at Lviv Polytechnic (until 1939), physicists at the National Technical University and at the Secret University in Lviv.

The lecture will take place online on the Microsoft Teams platform.

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