Thesis Defenses
Plechystyi V.S.
Yemelyanchenko V.V.
Dendebera M.P.
Shtablavyi I.I.
Scientific supervisor: prof. Mudry S.I.
Join Zoom Meeting / Meeting ID: 976 3283 8156.
Bilyk R.M.
Scientific supervisor: prof. Mudry S.I.
16.12.2020 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Luchechko A.P.
Scientific supervisor: prof. Pavlyk B.V.
11.11.2020 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Brezvіn R.S.
Scientific supervisor: prof. Stadnyk V.Yo.
21.10.2020 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Olenych I.B.
Non-equilibrium electronic processes in silicon-based nanosystems
Scientific supervisor: prof. Monastyrsky L.S.
23.09.2020 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Semak S.I.
Scientific supervisor: prof. Kapustianyk V.B.
17.09.2020 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Gnatenko Kh.P.
Effect of space quantization on the properties of classical and quantum systems
Scientific supervisor: prof. Tkachuk V.M.
Karbovnyk I.D.
Scientific supervisor: prof. Boledta I.M.
16.11.2019 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Yonak P.K.
Scientific supervisor: prof. Kapustianyk V.B.
04.12.2019 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Gayvoronsky I.V.
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Girzhon V.V.
23.10.2019 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Demkiv T.M.
Transformation of electronic excitations in composite luminescent materials
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Voloshynovsky A.S.
11.09.2019 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Loboda N.A.
Scientific supervisor: prof. Kapustianyk V.B.
19.06.2019 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Kravets O.P.
Luminescence of magnesium and zinc gallate doped with manganese and europium
Scientific supervisor: asoc. prof. Luchechko A.P.
19.06.2019 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Shved O.V.
Scientific supervisor: prof. Mudry S.I,
14.05.2019 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Shchepanskyi P. A.
Scientific supervisor: prof. Stadnyk V.Yo.
14.05.2019 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Rudyk Yu.V
Scientific supervisor: prof. Kapustianyk V.B.
24.10.2018 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Rudysh M.Ya.
Scientific supervisor: prof. Stadnyk V.Yo.
24.10.2018 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Chylii M.O.
Recombination luminescence and dimensional effects in scintillation materials
Scientific supervisor: assoc. prof. Vistovskyy V.V.
17.10.2018 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Stakhura V.B.
The optoelectronic properties of uniaxially clamped incommensurate modulated Rb2ZnCl4 crystals
Scientific supervisor: assoc. prof. Kurlyak V.Yu.
17.10.2018 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Liudkevych U.I.
Volume and structural features of thermal expansion of metallic melts
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Mudry S.I.
02.07.2018 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Panochko G.I.
Impurity states of the many boson system in the case of helium isotopes
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Vakarchuk I.O.
02.07.2018 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Malyk O.P.
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Dryzhynin A.O.
16.05.2018 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Vasyuta V.M.
Quatum systems in space with spin oncommutativity of coordinates.
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Tkachuk V.M.
30.03.2018 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Kashuba A.I.
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Franiv A.V.
14.02.2018 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Venhryn B.Ya.
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Hryhorchac I.I.
14.02.2018 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Vistovskyy V.V.
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Voloshynovsky A.S.
15.11.2017 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Samar M.I.
Classical and relativistic quantum problems in space with minimal length
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Tkachuk V.M.
30.06.2017 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Kovalenko M.V.
Electronic energy structure, optical and gas-sensing properties of ZnO based nanostructures
Scientific supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Bovgyra O.V.
30.06.2017 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Karpa I.V.
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Sveleba S.A.
07.06.2017 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Halyatkin O.O.
Interaction of ionizing radiation with the polymer-based composites and micro-and nano embedded
Scientific supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Demkiv T.M.
07.06.2017 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Tsybulskyi V.S.
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Kapustianyk V.B.
16.11.2016 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Voznyak O.O.
Supersymmetry and quasi-exactly solvable potentials for the particle with a position-dependent mass
Scientific supervisor: Prof. V. M. Tkachuk
16.11.2016 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Gnatenko Kh.P.
One- and many-particle problems in noncommutative space
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Tkachuk V.M.
20.10.2016 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Rovenchak A.A.
Bose-statistics and fractional types of statistics in the many-body theory and related problems
Scientific consultant: Prof. Vakarchuk I.O.
19.20.2016 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Hryhorchak O.I.
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Vakarchuk I.O.
01.07.2016 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Kuzmak A.R.
Brachistochrone problem in classical and quantum mechanics
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Tkachuk V.M.
04.11.2015 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine
Zhyshkovych A.V.
Випромінювальна релаксація електронних збуджень у нанорозмірних кристалах фторидів
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Voloshinovskii A.S.
04.11.2015 at: aud. Velyka Fizychna, 8 Kyryla i Mefodija St., Lviv, Ukraine