Myron Rudysh
Research interests
- optical properties studying of crystals;
- band structure and physical properties simulations.
Selected publications
- Stadnyk V. Yo. On isotropic states in α-LiNH4SO4 crystals / V. Yo. Stadnyk, R. S. Brezvin, M. Ya. Rudysh, P. A. Shchepanskyi, V. M. Gaba, Z. А. Kogut // Optics and Spectroscopy. – 2014. – Vol. 117, № 5. – P. 756–758.
- Rudysh М. Ya. Energy band structure of LiNH4SO4 crystals / М. Ya. Rudysh, V. Yo. Stadnyk, R. S. Brezvin, P. А. Shchepanskyi // Physics of the Solid State. – 2015. – Vol. 57, No. 1. – P. 53–58.
- Stadnyk V. Yo. Piezo-optic properties of LiNH4SO4 crystals / V. Yo. Stadnyk, R. S. Brezvin, М. Ya. Rudysh, P. A. Shchepanskyi, V. Yu. Kurlyak // Crystallography Reports. – 2015. – Vol. 60, № 3. – P. 388–392.
- Rudysh M. Ya. Ionicity and birefringence of a-LiNH4SO4 crystals: ab initio DFT study, X-ray spectroscopy measurements / M. Ya. Rudysh, M. G. Brik, O. Y. Khyzhun, A. O. Fedorchuk, I. V. Kityk, P. A. Shchepanskyi, V. Yo. Stadnyk, G. Lakshminarayana, R. S. Brezvin, Z. Bak, M. Piasecki // RSC Adv. – 2017. – Vol. 7. – P. 6889–6901.
- Myronchuk G. L. Optical absorption, piezoelectric effect and second harmonic generation studies of single crystal AgGaGe3Se7.6Te0.4 solid solution / G. L. Myronchuk, G. Lakshminarayana, I. V. Kityk, A. S. Krymus, O. V. Parasyuk, M. Ya. Rudysh, P. A. Shchepanskyi, M. Piasecki // Appl. Phys. A. – 2017. – Vol. 123, № 3. – P. 175-1–175-8.
- Chrunik M. Significant photoinduced increment of reflectivity coefficient in LiNa5Mo9O30 / M. Chrunik, A. Majchrowski, K. Ozga, M. Ya. Rudysh, I. V. Kityk, A. O. Fedorchuk, V. Yo. Stadnyk, M. Piasecki // Current Applied Physics. – 2017. – Vol. 17. – P. 1100–1107.
- Majchrowski A. Bi3TeBO9: electronic structure, optical properties and photoinduced phenomena / A. Majchrowski, M. Chrunik, M. Rudysh, M. Piasecki, K. Ozga, G. Lakshminarayana, I. V. Kityk // J. Mater. Sci. – 2018. – Vol. 53, № 2. – P. 1217–1226.
- Rudysh M. Ya. Ab initio calculations of the electronic structure and specific optical features of β-LiNH4SO4 single crystals / M. Ya. Rudysh, M. G. Brik, V. Yo. Stadnyk, R. S. Brezvin, P. A. Shchepanskyi, A. Fedorchuk, O. Y. Khyzhun, I. V. Kityk, M. Piasecki // Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter. – 2018. – Vol. 528. – P. 37–46.
- Chang J.-C. La6Ba4Si6O24F2:Sm3+ novel red-emitting phosphors: Synthesis, photoluminescence and theoretical calculations / J.-C. Chang, C.-T. Chen, M. Rudysh, M. G. Brik, M. Piasecki, W.-R. Liu // Journal of Luminescence. — 2019. — Vol. 206. — P. 417–425.
- Podlesný J. Small isomeric push–pull chromophores based on thienothiophenes with tunable optical (non) linearities / J. Podlesný, O. Pytela, M. Klikar, V. Jelínková, I.V. Kityk, K. Ozga, J. Jedryka, M. Rudysh, F. Bureš // Org. Biomol. Chem. — 2019. — Vol. 17. — P. 3623–3634.
- Muruganantham R. Design of meso/macro porous 2D Mn-vanadate as potential novel anode materials for sodium-ion storage / R. Muruganantham, W.-R. Liu, C.-H. Lin, M. Rudysh, M. Piasecki // Journal of Energy Storage. — 2019. — Vol. 26. — P. 100915.
- Пат. 128162 Україна (на корисну модель), МПК G01N 21/39 (2006.01). Пристрій для дослідження оптичної якості монокристала / Стадник В. Й., Габа В. М., Сугак Д. Ю., Брезвін Р. С., Рудиш М. Я., Щепанський П. А. ; заявники і власники Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”. – №u201801973 ; заявл. 26.02.2018 ; опубл. 10.09.2018, бюл. № 17.
Пат. 139890 Україна (на корисну модель), МПК:G01L 1/24 (2006.01). Пристрій для вимірювання одновісного механічного тиску / Стадник В. Й., Рудиш М. Я., Щепанський П. А., Матвіїв Р. Б., Габа В. М., Когут З. О., Брезвін Р. С. ; заявники і власники Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”. – № u201907532 ; заявл. 05.07.2019 ; опубл. 27.01.2020, бюл. № 2/2020.
Пат. 140611 Україна (на корисну модель), МПК (2006): G01K 11/00, G01K 11/32 (2006.01). Пристрій для оптичного вимірювання температури / Стадник В. Й., Габа В. М., Рудиш М. Я., Щепанський П. А., Матвіїв Р. Б., Брезвін Р. С., Петрович І. В. ; заявники і власники Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”. – № u201907533; заявл. 05.07.2019 ; опубл. 10.03.2020, бюл. № 5/2020.
Scientific biography
In 2015 Myron Rudysh graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv with honors. Has received the full higher education in the specialty “Physics of Condensed Matter” and got a Master’s degree in Physics of Condensed Matter (Bachelor’s degree in Physics, qualification – Bachelor of Applied Physics, Teacher of Physics, Applied Physics (2013)).
From November 2015 t0 April 2016 he was a postgraduate student of the Department of Solid State Physics. From May 2016 to October 2018 he was a postgraduate student of the Department of General Physics. He graduated from the Ph.D program in October 2018.
From November 2017 to October 2018 Myron Rudysh received the academic scholarship of the President of Ukraine for university students and postgraduate students.
From November 2018 to February 2019 Myron Rudysh worked as an Engineer of the General Physics Practical Work Laboratory of the Department of General Physics of the Faculty of Physics. From February 2019 he was transferred to the position of Lead Engineer of the same laboratory and worked until August 2020.
The thesis is “Electronic and optical properties of lithium ammonium sulfate crystals under uniaxial stress”. Professor V. Yo. Stadnyk was a supervisor of his thesis. In 24 October 2018 Myron Rudysh defended his Ph.D. thesis. In 18 December 2018 he has been granted the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences by spesiality Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics.
In November 2019 Myron Rudysh received the Award of the Regional State Administration and the Regional Council for Employees of Scientific Institutions and Higher Educational Institutions (Universities, Academies, Institutes) of the Lviv Region.
He was the executive of the state budget theme. By now Myron Rudysh published 98 scientific works and received 3 pathent of Ukraine for useful model.