Roman Serkiz
Solid State Physics Department
Research interests
- Scanning Electron Microscopy and Microprobe Analysis
- Technology and Physics of the Nanostructure Systems
- Mineralogy
1. N. Stasyuk. Recombinant human arginase I immobilized on gold and silver nanoparticles: preparation and properties / N. Stasyuk, R. Serkiz, S. Mudry and et. al. // Nanotechnology Development, Vol 1, No 1 (2011).
2. H. Klym. ‘Cold’ crystallization in nanostructurized 80GeSe2-20Ga2Se3 glass / H. Klym, A. Ingram, O. Shpotyuk, L. Calvez, E. Petracovschi, B. Kulyk, R. Serkiz and R. Szatanik // Nanoscale Research Letters, 2015,
3. B Kulyk. Structural properties and temperature behaviour of optical absorption edge in polycrystalline ZnO: X (Cu, Ag) Films / B Kulyk, V Figà, V Kapustianyk, M Panasyuk, R Serkiz, P Demchenko // Acta Phys. Pol. A, V. 123 (2013), P. 92-97.
4. VN Shevchuk. Nano-and micro-size V2O5 structures / VN Shevchuk, Yu N Usatenko, P Yu Demchenko, OT Antonyak, R Ya Serkiz // Chemistry of metals and alloys, 2011, Issue 4,№ 1-2, Pages 67-71.
5. V Kapustianyk. Exciton spectra of the nanostructured zinc oxide / V Kapustianyk, M Panasiuk, G Lubochkova, B Turko, V Rudyk, M Partyka, R Serkiz, D Voznyuk // J. of Phys. Studies, 2008, V.12, Issue 2, P. 2602-1.
6. VB Kapustyanyk. Exciton spectra of layered PbI2 and PbI2: Zr crystals / VB Kapustyanyk, RM Pasternak, AZ Kalush, MR Panasyuk, VS Tsibul’skii, VP Rudyk, R Ya Serkiz // Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 2007, Vol.74, Issue 2, P.283-288.
7. M Shpotyuk Surface oxidation in glassy arsenic trisulphide induced by high-energy γ-irradiation / M Shpotyuk, O Shpotyuk, R Serkiz, P Demchenko, S Kozhyukhin // Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2014, Vol. 97, P. 341-345.
8. MR Panasiuk Photo-and thermostimulated luminescence of ZnO nanowires / MR Panasiuk, BI Turko, VB Kapustianyk, OP Stanko, AV Mandryka, RY Serkiz, YH Dubov // Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 2013, Vol. 80, Issue 2, P. 240-243.
9. VB Kapustianyk. p-ZnO nanowires—A promising material for the fabrication of vacuum pressure sensors / VB Kapustianyk, MR Panasyuk, BI Turko, Yu G Dubov, R Ya Serkiz // Semiconductors, 2014, Vol. 48, Issue 10, P. 1395-1398.
10. L Romaka. Peculiarity of component interaction in Er–Fe–Sn ternary system at 670K and 770K / L Romaka, VV Romaka, P Demchenko, R Serkiz // Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, Vol. 507, Issue 1, P. 67-71.
11. Lyubov Romaka. Contribution to the investigation of the Y–Cu–Sn ternary system / Lyubov Romaka, Ivanna Romaniv, Yu Stadnyk, Vitaliy V Romaka, Roman Serkiz, Roman Gladyshevskii // Chemistry of metals and alloys, 2014, Issue 7, № 1-2, P. 132-138.
12. Volodymyr Kapustianyk. Effect of vacuumization on the photoluminescence and photoresponse decay of the zinc oxide nanostructures grown by different methods / Volodymyr Kapustianyk, Borys Turko, Viktor Rudyk, Yuriy Rudyk, Mykola Rudko, Myron Panasiuk, Roman Serkiz // Optical Materials, 2016, Vol. 56, P. 71-74.
13. MR Panasyuk. Photo-and thermostimulated luminescence of ZnO nanowires / MR Panasyuk, BI Turko, VB Kapustyanyk, OP Stan’ko, AV Mandryka, R Ya Serkiz, Yu G Dubov // Zhurnal Prikladnoj Spektroskopii, 2013, Vol. 80, Issue 2, P. 247-251.
14. Yu Gorelenko. Crystal structure, electron structure and physical properties of RM5Si3 compounds, R= Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu; M= Ni, Co / Yu Gorelenko, R Matviishyn, I Shcherba, V Pavlyuk, R Serkiz // Chemistry of metals and alloys, 2009, Issue 2, № 1-2, P. 18-24.
15. Oleh Smutok. A novel mediatorless biosensor based on flavocytochrome b 2 immobilized onto gold nanoclusters for non-invasive L-lactate analysis of human liquids / Oleh Smutok, Maria Karkovska, Roman Serkiz, Вohdan Vus, Narimantas Čenas, Mykhailo Gonchar // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, Vol. 250, P. 469-475.
16. V Kapustianyk. Tuning a sign of magnetoelectric coupling in paramagnetic NH 2 (CH 3) 2 Al 1− x Cr x (SO 4) 2× 6H 2 O crystals by metal ion substitution / V Kapustianyk, Yu Eliyashevskyy, Z Czapla, V Rudyk, R Serkiz, N Ostapenko, I Hirnyk, J-F Dayen, M Bobnar, R Gumeniuk, B Kundys // Scientific Reports, 2017, Vol. 7, Issue 1, P. 14109.
17. VM Kordan. Electrochemical synthesis of the hydrides Tb 2 Ni 17-x Li x H y and Tb 2 Ni 17-xy Li x Mg y H z. / VM Kordan, VV Nytka, O Ya Zelinska, VV Pavlyuk, R Ya Serkiz // Хімічні проблеми сьогодення, 2017, P. 90.
18. VB Kapustianyk. Супергідрофобне/супергідрофільне перемикання на поверхні мікроструктур ZnO, викликане ультрафіолетовим опроміненням і травленням іонами аргону / VB Kapustianyk, YV Rudyk, UR Mostovyi, BI Turko, RY Serkiz // Фізична інженерія поверхні, 2017, Vol. 1, Issue 2, P. 207-212.
19. V Vorotnyak. КРИСТАЛІЧНА СТРУКТУРА СПОЛУКИ Dy 0, 67 Tm 0, 33 Ge 1, 85 / V Vorotnyak, Z Shpyrka, V Pavlyuk, R Serkiz // Вісник Львівського університету. Серія хімічна, 2017, Issue 53.
20. Kapustianyk V. Manifestation of Phase Transitions in the Crystal Field Spectra of [(CH3)2CHNH3]4Cd3Cl10:Cu Crystals // Kapustianyk, P. Yonak, V. Rudyk, Z. Czapla, D. Podsiadla,Yu Eliyashevskyy, A. Kozdras, P. Demchenko, R. Serkiz // Journal of Phys. And Chemistry of Solids. – 2018. – V. 121 – P. 210-218.
21. Toporovska L. Photocatalytic Properties of Zinc Oxide Nanorods Grown by Different Methods / L. Toporovska, A. Hrytsak, B. Turko, V. Rudyk, V. Tsybulskyi, R. Serkiz // Optical and Quantum Electronics. – 2017. – V. 49. – P. 408 (10 pp).
22. Shtablavyi I. Formation of intermetallic compounds in the solid-liquid composites of the Ga-Ni system I. Shtablavyi, S. Mudry, O. Kovalskyi, P. Demchenko, R. Serkiz, M. Łapiński , Y. Klanichka – Materials Research Express – 2018.
23. Romaka L. Взаємодія компонентів у потрійній системі Gd-Mn-Sn при 873 і 673 K / L. Romaka, Yu. Stadnyk, V. Romaka, M. Konyk, R. Serkiz // Фізика і хімія твердого тіла. – 2018. – Т.19, №1. – С.60-65.
24. Kordan V. Influence of doping elements on the electrochemical hydrogenation efficiency of Tb2Ni17-based phases / V. Kordan, V. Nytka, G. Kovalczyk, A. Balinska, O. Zelinska, R. Serkiz, V. Pavlyuk // Chem. Met. Alloys. – 2017. – Vol. 10(2). – P.61-68.
25. Senchuk O. Phase equilibria in the Ce–Ti–Sb and Gd–Ti–Sb ternary systems at 600°C and the crystal structures of the Ce2Ti7Sb12 and Gd2Ti11Sb14 compounds / O. Senchuk, Y. Tokaychuk, R. Serkiz, P. Demchenko, R. Gladyshevskii // Chem. Met. Alloys. – 2017. – Vol. 10(2). – P.76-92.
26. Naumko I. Petrochemical features and melt inclusions in minerals of Matekivskyi complex andesites in the Lisarnia quarry (Vyhorlat-Hutynske volcanic ridge, Ukrainian Carpathians) / Naumko I., Skakun L., Brynskyi T., Serkiz R. // Mineralogical Review. – 2017. – N 67, I..2. – Р. 58–71.
27. Turko B. Electroluminescence from n‐ZnO microdisks/p‐GaN heterostructure / B.Turko, A. Nikolenko, B. Sadovyi, L. Toporovska,•M. Rudko, V. Kapustianyk, V. Strelchuk, M. Panasyuk, R. Serkiz, P. Demchenko // Optical and Quantum Electronics. – 2019. – V. 51. – P. 135 (11 p.). DOI: 10.1007/s11082-019-1853-5.
28. Gayda G. Metallic nanoparticles obtained via “green” synthesis as a platform for biosensor construction / Galina Z. Gayda, , Olha M. Demkiv, Nataliya Ye. Stasyuk , Roman Ya. Serkiz, Maksym D. Lootsik, Abdelhamid Errachid, Mykhailo V. Gonchar , Marina Nisnevitch // Applied Sciences. – 2019. – V. 9. – P. 720 (16 pp).
Serkiz Roman Yaroslavovych, was born March 30 1964 in Rava-Ruska, L’viv region.
Physical Department of Lviv State University of I.Franko, MS, Sep 1981-Feb 1987
Scientific Branch Institute of hydrological apparatus of Lviv, Engineer, Apr 1987 – May 1990
Geological Department of Lviv State University, Engineer, Jun 1990–Jul 1997
Secondary School of Lviv, Teacher of Computer science, Sep 1997-Jul 2000
Geological Department of Lviv State University, Engineer, Mar 2001 – Jul 2005
Scientific-Technical and Educational Centre of Low Temperature Studies, Research Associate, Sep 2005 – 2017
Laboratory Chief Manager, Solid State Physics Department, from Jan 2017
Publications – over 70, patents – 4.