Department of Solid State Physics

  • About the Department
  • Employees
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • Teaching materials
  • Research
  • News

Establishment and early science of the department of Solid State Physics is attributed to 1958-64. The department was headed by A. Glauberman. Reestablished in 2007, the Department is headed by Prof V.Kapustianyk.

The department provided training of students in the fields of solid state physics, physics of metals, semiconductor physics, physics of metals, X-ray structural analysis. The department had the laboratories growing of the semiconductor crystals, X-ray analysis, physics of melts, semiconductor physics and others.

Today the Department prepares the specialists in physics of nanostructures. The lecturers of the department provide the courses in nuclear physics, low temperature physics, physics of dielectrics, ferroics physics, applied spectroscopy, programming and mathematical modeling, semiconductor physics, thermodynamics and statistical physics, microscopy of nanoscale objects, the physics of nanoscale objects, computational methods in physics of solids, experimental methods in solid state physics, the structure of disordered systems, phase transitions in solids and others. The Department is based on the experimental facilities of the Scientific-Technical and Educational Center of Low Temperature Studies. There are the laboratories for physics and technology of nanostructures, physics and technology of low temperatures, electron microscopy, absorption spectroscopy, photoluminescence, ferroics physics.

Current research areas: phase transitions in the crystalline ferroics, spectroscopy of condensed matter, physics and technology of nanostructures, theory of electron and vibration spectra of the crystalline and amorphous materials, theory of defects in disordered systems, optical properties and energy-band structure of crystals and nanoscale objects, EEE, transport of low-energy electrons in dielectrics. Co-workers of the department published over 200 scientific papers, made 200 presentations at conferences. The department provides the postgraduate speciality “Physics of semiconductors and dielectrics”.

More about the Department of Solid State Physics


ChairpersonVolodymyr KapustianykChairperson
Associate ProfessorOleg BovgyraAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorYuriy EliyashevskyyAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorTaras HrechukhAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorMariya KovalenkoAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorBorys TurkoAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOksana Tuzyak (Melnyk)Associate Professor
Laboratory Chief ManagerRoman SerkizLaboratory Chief Manager
1st Category EngineerYuriy Dubov1st Category Engineer
1st Category EngineerBogdan Kulyk1st Category Engineer
Postgraduate StudentYuriy ChorniyPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentViktor DzikovskyiPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentAndrii HrytsakPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentOleh KozachenkoPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentUstym MostovoyPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentMykola RudkoPostgraduate Student

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials


Educational work of the department of physics of solids

The need for training of masters and specialists in the educational direction 040203 “Physics” specialty 7.04020302 and 8.04020302 “Condensed matter physics” at L’viv University was caused by a wide use of solid materials in different areas of human activity, which led to their comprehensive study using different physical methods. The large variety of phenomena and effects that occur in solids and related practical applications resulted in a wide range of research activities in this field. The main physical characteristics of solids are connected with such physical phenomena as the quantum size effects, phase transitions, superconductivity, magnetism, electrical and thermal conductivity, diffusion and more. In this regard, there is a constant need for training of highly qualified specialists in solid state physics, which would possess a profound fundamental knowledge and practical skills. Despite the fact that Ukraine train the specialists in physics, their knowledge and practical skills do not meet these requirements. This is primarily due to the fact that a wide range of phenomena and processes in solids is widely used in various functional systems and the effectiveness of this depends on the availability of information on their physical mechanism. In addition, there are always new results, especially in the field of nanotechnology. Their practical application is impossible without a detailed study of physical methods.

There are a number of specialties in materials profile, providing specialist training program, which cover issues related to solid state physics. However, in these cases, attention is paid only a certain range of phenomena (i.e. heat treatment for the metals). Systematic and profound knowledge of the physical properties of solids in this cases are not formed. The presence in Ukraine’s labor market of specialist in solid state physics combined with engineers, experts of material, technologists and other professionals of similar facilitates provides efficient resolution of the complex scientific and applied problems. This concerns especially the western regions of Ukraine, where there are many research and production facilities related to the search for new materials for electronics, optics, mechanical engineering. Only Chernivtsy University trains specialists in the specialty “Solid State Physics”, which is insufficient for the Western region.

The basis of educational activities within the specialty “Condensed Matter Physics” is the curriculum. According to the latest curriculum the Physics Department provides the specialization “Physics of Nanostructures”.

The department prepared lectures and deployed full-fledged workshops on all courses prescribed by the curriculum. To a large extent the department in its activities was based on the scientific potential of the Scientific-Technical and Educational Center of Low Temperature Studies, in which it is located. Taking into account the fact that the Centre is the most powerful institution in Western Ukraine in research of solids, including those at low temperatures (ranging from 4.2 K), training in solid state physics gained a new momentum. Under the supervision of Director of the Center and head of the Department of Solid State Physics Prof. V. B. Kapustianyk there were successfully developed the low-temperature studies of phase transitions in crystalline ferroics, physical properties of nanostructures and materials for registration and conversion of electromagnetic radiation. Through collaboration with the Center staff the students of the department have access to the sophisticated research equipment, nanotechnology and obtaine the unique opportunity to perform investigations of the physical properties of solids at low temperature till the liquid helium temperatures.

Significant prospects for the specialty are connected with creation of the interfaculty laboratory of X-ray diffraction studies based in the Faculty of Physics. For this purpose the modern powder diffractometer «STOE» was specially purchased.

A powerful experimental facilities developed at the Faculty of Physics and Scientific-Technical and Educational Center of Low Temperature Studies does not serve only to the scientific purposes, but also are used for providing of the laboratory and practical scientific work of students.

Every year since 2005, the specialty “Solid State Physics” takes up to 25 people. Among the applicants about half – are graduates of schools awarded with medals or those who received an honors degree after graduation from educational institutions of I-II level of accreditation. The vast majority of the applicants are the residents of rural areas from L’viv, Volyn, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.

The educational process within the specialty “Solid State Physics”, including preparing projects and dissertations, is implemented in several laboratories. The Chair of Solid State Physics, in addition to their teaching laboratories, uses in the teaching process the experimental basis of Scientific-Technical and Educational Center of Low Temperature Studies. STEC of Low Temperature Studies is the only institution in Western Ukraine, which produces liquid helium and provides the systematic studies of various physical phenomena in the vicinity of a temperature of 4.2 K.

The Laboratory of Physics and Technology of Nanostructures provides workshops for courses: “Physics of nanoscale objects” and “Experimental methods in solid state physics.” There is the equipment for producing of the thin films of metal, semiconductor, dielectric materials using different methods (electronic and resistive heating, cathode, high-frequency magnetron sputtering). There were developed the technologies of obtaining of the films of simple and complex oxides. The laboratory possesses the equipment available for films manufacturing: VUP-5M (2 sites) and UPC-3. Nanostructures are obtained using a two-stage method based on the high-frequency magnetron sputtering method and gas transport reactions. In addition, the lab uses: electronic weight WAA-210, microinterferometer MYY-4, ultrasonic bath PSB-1335-05.

Prof. Paweł Horodecki will give a seminar in Lviv

28.06.2024 | 15:19

On 3 July the prominent scientist in the field of quantum information, Paweł Horodecki, will give a seminar at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
The title of Prof. Paweł Horodecki’s talk is “Quantum Randomness, Determinism, and the Foundations of Science”.
The abstract can be found here.
Paweł Horodecki is the author of over 200 articles on quantum information theory and the fundamentals of quantum mechanics. He co-founded the National Quantum Information Centre in Gdańsk. He is the co-author of the Horodecki criterion (1996) for...

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