Yuriy Eliyashevskyy

Position: Associate Professor,
Solid State Physics Department
Scientific degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Phone (office): (032) 239-4032
Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com.ua

Research interests

The dielectric, dilatometric, optical and calorimetric investigations of phase transitions of the crystalline ferroics group A2BX4.

Influence of hydrostatic pressure and electric field on the temperature of the phase transitions and properties of crystal group A2BX4.

Absortion spectroscopy in visible region, Raman and infrared spectroscopy.

Dielectric, calorimetric measurements at ultra low temperature (Dilution Refrigerator, up to 30 mK). Investigation ferroelectric layers based on zinc oxide.

Atomic Force Microscopy.


  1. Kapustianik V., Czapla Z., Eliyachevskyy Yu., Korchak Yu., Kulyk B., Rudyk V. Radiation Effects in DMAAS:Cr Ferroelectric Crystal, Acta Physica Polonica A,  V.104,  № 6, 2003. pp.571-580.
  2. Kapustianik V., Czapla Z., Tchukvinskyi R., Batiuk A., Eliyachevskyy Yu., Korchak Yu., Rudyk V. Dielectric and spectral properties of DMAAS ferroelectric crystals doped with chromium, Physica status solidi (a), V.201,  № 1,  2004. pp.139-147.
  3. Kapustianik V., Batiuk A., Czapla Z., Podsiada D., Czupiski O., Eliyachevskyy Yu., Rudyk V. Exciton–phonon interaction and Raman spectrum of [(CH3)2NH2]5Cd2CuCl11 crystals, Physica status solidi (b), V.241, № 11,  2004, pp.2620-2628.
  4. Z. Czapla, Yu. Eliyashevskyy, S. Dacko, Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties of [(CH3)2NH2]3CuCl5 Single Crystal; Ferroelectric Letters, V.33,  № 1, 2006, pp.1-6.
  5. Yu. Eliyashevskyy, S. Dacko, B. Kosturek, Z. Czapla, Dilatometric and optical studies of phase transitions in ferroelectric [(CH3)2NH2]3CuCl5 single crystal, Materials Science and Engineering B, V.138,  № 1, 2007, pp.31-34.
  6. Kapustianyk V.  Turko B. Kostruba A. Sofiani Z. Dabos-Seignon S. Barwinski B., Eliyashevskyi Yu., Sahraoui B., Influence of Size Effect and Sputtering Conditions on the Crystallinity and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Optics Communications, V.269, № 2, 2007, pp.346-350.
  7. Yu. Eliyashevskyy, A. Sieradzki,  R. Poprawski, Z. Czapla, Pressure effect on the phase transitions in the ferroelectric [(CH3)2NH2]3CuCl5 crystal, Ferroelectrics,V. 363, 2008, pp.245 – 250.
  8. Yu. Eliyashevskyy, Z. Czapla, S. Dacko, Time relaxation of permittivity in [(CH3)2NH2]3CuCl5 crystal under external electric field,  Phase Transitions V. 83, № 8, 2010, pp. 564-571.
  9. Yu. Eliyashevskyy, A. Feher, E. Čiţmár, M. Botko, Application of CS-501GR capacitance sensor for temperature measurements in the range 0.048 K – 2.3 K in magnetic field. Material Research under Extreme Conditions. ERDF EU. – ITMS26220120005,  2011– pp. 91-94.
  10. Yu. Eliyashevskyy, E. Čižmár, M. Botko, A. Feher, Investigation of capacitance sensor CS-501GR under influence of external magnetic field up to 2 T. Congress Proceedings of 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, Refrigerations for Sustainable Development,  V. 1, 2011 pp 115-120.
  11.  V. Kapustianyk, Yu. Eliyashevskyy, B. Turko, Z. Czapla, S. Dacko, B. Barwinski Influence of technological factors on conductivity and dielectric dispersion in ZnO nanocrystalline thin films Journal of Alloys and Compounds.– V. 531.– 2012.– p. 64-69.
  12. V. Mikhailik, Yu. Eliyashevskyi, H. Kraus, H. Kimd, V. Kapustianyk, M. Panasyuk Temperature dependence of scintillation properties of SrMoO4 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A.– V. 792.– 2015.– pp. 1–5.
  13. V.Kapustianyk, Yu.Eliyashevskyy, Z. Czapla S. Dacko, O. Czupinski, V. Rudyk, R. Serkiz, S. Sereda, S. Semak Phase transitions and fundamental ferroelectric dispersion in DMAAl1-xCrxS crystals Acta Physica Polonica A.– V. 127.– 2015.– pp. 791-794.
  14. Kapustianyk, Yu. Eliyashevskyy, Z. Czapla, S. Dacko, V. Rudyk, S. Sereda and N. Ostapenko, Influence of isomorphous substitution of metal ion on the low-frequency dielectric dispersion in NH2(CH3)2Al1−xCrx(SO4)2⋅6H2O ferroelectrics Phase Transitions, – 2016.- pp. 175-188.
  15. Kapustianyk,Yu. Eliyashevskyy, Z. Czapla, V. Rudyk, R. Serkiz, N. Ostapenko, I. Hirnyk, J.-F. Dayen, M. Bobnar, R. Gumeniuk, B. Kundys Tuning a sign of magnetoelectric coupling in paramagnetic NH2(CH3)2Al1−xCrx(SO4)2 × 6H2O crystals by metal ion substitution, Scientific Reports V 7.- 2017 14109 pp.1-8.
  16. Ostapenko N. Comparative study of the phase transitions and spectral properties of NH2(CH3)2Me1-хСrx(SO4)2×6H2O (Me = Al, Ga) ferroelectrics // Ostapenko, V. Kapustianyk, Yu. Eliyashevskyy, V. Rudyk, Z., V. Mokryi // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. – 2018. – V.730. –P.417-423.
  17. Kapustianyk V. Manifestation of Phase Transitions in the Crystal Field Spectra of [(CH3)2CHNH3]4Cd3Cl10:Cu Crystals // V. Kapustianyk, P. Yonak, V. Rudyk, Z. Czapla, D. Podsiadla,Yu Eliyashevskyy, A. Kozdras, P. Demchenko, R. Serkiz // Journal of Phys. And Chemistry of Solids. – 2018. – V. 121 – P. 210-218.
  18. Kapustianyk V. On the magnetoelectric effect in paramagnetic NH2(CH3)2Al1-xCrx(SO4)2×6H2O crystals // V. Kapustianyk, N. Loboda, Yu. Eliyashevskyy, S. Semak // Low Temperarure Physics. – 2019. – V. 45, No. 8 – 894 (8 pp.) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5116538.
  19. Kapustianyk V. Impact of Phase Transitions on Temperature Evolution of Absorption Spectra and Electron–Phonon Interactions in [N(C2H5)4]2CoCl2Br2 Crystals // V. Kapustianyk, S. I. Semak, S. B. Bilchenko, Yu. I. Eliyashevskyy, Yu. V. Chorniy, P. Yu. Demchenko // Journal of Applied Spectroscopy. – 2019 – V. 86, No. 4 – 531 (8 стр.) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10812-019-00864-8.


2007 – Ph.D. (Doctor of Physic Science) in Solid State Physics, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland.

2009 – Ph.D. (Candidate of Science) in Solid State Physics, Institute of Physical Optics, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine.

From 2007-2009  Head of the Laboratory Solid State Chair, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Lviv, Ukraine. 2009 – 2011  Postdoctoral Research, Centre of Low Temperature Physics, P.J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia. From 2011-2013    Head of the Laboratory Solid State Chair, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Lviv, Ukraine. From 2013    Postdoctoral Research, Department of Physics, Oxford University, United Kingdom.

2014 –now  Associate Professor at Solid State Chair, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Lviv, Ukraine.


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