Olena Shved
Position: Junior Research Fellow,
Metal Physics Department
Metal Physics Department
Scientific degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Email: olena.shved@lnu.edu.ua
Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com.ua
ORCID profile: orcid.org
Scopus profile: www.scopus.com
Research interests
Crystal structure and phase transitions in ternary alloys
- Zhak O., Stoyko S., Babizhetskyy V., Shved O., Oryshchyn S., Hoch C. Interaction of yttrium with nickel and phosphorus: Phase diagram and structural chemistry // J. Solid State Chem. 2013.– Vol. 207. – P. 87–93.
- Жак О., Швед О., Бабіжецький В. Кристалічна структура нового фосфіду Hf2Ni12P7 // Вісн. Львів. ун-ту. Серія хім. – 2014. – Вип. 55.
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