Pavlo Shchepanskyi
General Physics Department, Senior Research Fellow,
General Physics Department
Research interests
- refractive parameters (indices of refraction, birefringence, transmission and absorption spectra, piezooptic properties) of mechanically free and uniaxially compressed crystals;
- crystal optics of ferroics.
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher P. A. Shchepanskyi is a supervisor of Vasyl Vyshnevskyi thesis “Photoelastic properties of A₂BX₄–group ferroics”.
Selected publications
- Stadnyk V. Yo. On isotropic states in α-LiNH4SO4 crystals / V. Yo. Stadnyk, R. S. Brezvin, M. Ya. Rudysh, P. A. Shchepanskyi, V. M. Gaba, Z. А. Kogut // Optics and Spectroscopy. – 2014. – Vol. 117, № 5. – P. 756–758.
- Rudysh М. Ya. Energy band structure of LiNH4SO4 crystals / М. Ya. Rudysh, V. Yo. Stadnyk, R. S. Brezvin, P. А. Shchepanskyi // Physics of the Solid State. – 2015. – Vol. 57, No. 1. – P. 53–58.
- Stadnyk V. Yo. Piezo-optic properties of LiNH4SO4 crystals / V. Yo. Stadnyk, R. S. Brezvin, М. Ya. Rudysh, P. A. Shchepanskyi, V. Yu. Kurlyak // Crystallography Reports. – 2015. – Vol. 60, № 3. – P. 388–392.
- Rudysh M. Ya. Ionicity and birefringence of a-LiNH4SO4 crystals: ab initio DFT study, X-ray spectroscopy measurements / M. Ya. Rudysh, M. G. Brik, O. Y. Khyzhun, A. O. Fedorchuk, I. V. Kityk, P. A. Shchepanskyi, V. Yo. Stadnyk, G. Lakshminarayana, R. S. Brezvin, Z. Bak, M. Piasecki // RSC Adv. – 2017. – Vol. 7. – P. 6889–6901.
- Myronchuk G. L. Optical absorption, piezoelectric effect and second harmonic generation studies of single crystal AgGaGe3Se7.6Te0.4 solid solution / G. L. Myronchuk, G. Lakshminarayana, I. V. Kityk, A. S. Krymus, O. V. Parasyuk, M. Ya. Rudysh, P. A. Shchepanskyi, M. Piasecki // Appl. Phys. A. – 2017. – Vol. 123, № 3. – P. 175-1–175-8.
- Shchepanskyi A. Structure and optical anisotropy of K1.75(NH4)0.25SO4 solidsolution / P. A. Shchepanskyi, O. S. Kushnir, V. Yo. Stadnyk, A. O. Fedorchuk, M. Ya. Rudysh, R. S. Brezvin, P. Yu. Demchenko, A. S. Krymus // Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. – 2017. – Vol. 18, № 4. – P. 187–196.
- Shchepanskyi P. A. The influence of partial isomorphic substitution on electronic and optical parameters of ABSO4 group crystals / P. A. Shchepanskyi, M. Gaba, V. Yo. Stadnyk, M. Ya. Rudysh, R. S. Brezvin, M. Piasecki // Acta Phys. Pol. A. – 2018. – Vol. 138, No 4. – P. 819–823.
- Shchepanskyi P. A. Structure and refractive properties of LiNaSO4 single crystals / P. A. Shchepanskyi, O. S. Kushnir, V. Yo. Stadnyk, R. S. Brezvin, A. O. Fedorchuk // Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. – 2018. – Vol. 19, No 3. – P. 141–149.
- Mytsyk B. Photoelasticity of ammonium sulfate crystals / B. Mytsyk, V. Stadnyk, N. Demyanyshyn, Ya. Kost, P. Shchepanskyi // Optical Materials. — 2019. — Vol. 88. — P. 723–728.
- Kushnir O. S. Relationships among optical and structural characteristics of ABSO4 crystals / O.S. Kushnir, P. A. Shchepanskyi, V. Yo. Stadnyk, A.O. Fedorchuk // Optical Materials. — 2019. — Vol. 95. — P. 109221.
- Пат. 128162 Україна (на корисну модель), МПК G01N 21/39 (2006.01). Пристрій для дослідження оптичної якості монокристала / Стадник В. Й., Габа В. М., Сугак Д. Ю., Брезвін Р. С., Рудиш М. Я., Щепанський П. А. ; заявники і власники Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”. – №u201801973 ; заявл. 26.02.2018 ; опубл. 10.09.2018, бюл. № 17.
Пат. 139890 Україна (на корисну модель), МПК:G01L 1/24 (2006.01). Пристрій для вимірювання одновісного механічного тиску / Стадник В. Й., Рудиш М. Я., Щепанський П. А., Матвіїв Р. Б., Габа В. М., Когут З. О., Брезвін Р. С. ; заявники і власники Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”. – № u201907532 ; заявл. 05.07.2019 ; опубл. 27.01.2020, бюл. № 2/2020.
Пат. 140611 Україна (на корисну модель), МПК (2006): G01K 11/00, G01K 11/32 (2006.01). Пристрій для оптичного вимірювання температури / Стадник В. Й., Габа В. М., Рудиш М. Я., Щепанський П. А., Матвіїв Р. Б., Брезвін Р. С., Петрович І. В. ; заявники і власники Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”. – № u201907533; заявл. 05.07.2019 ; опубл. 10.03.2020, бюл. № 5/2020.
Scientific biography
In 2015 Pavlo Shchepanskyi graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv with honors. Has received the full higher education in the specialty of “Physics of Condensed Matter” and got a Master’s degree in Physics of Condensed Matter (Bachelor degree with honors in the specialty of “Physics”, qualification – Bachelor of Physics, Teacher of Physics (2013)).
From November 2015 to April 2016 he was a postgraduate student of the Department of Solid State Physics. From May 2016 to October 2018 he was a postgraduate student of the Department of General Physics.
He graduated from the Ph.D program in October 2018. From November 2018 to December 2019 Pavlo Shchepanskyi was a junior research fellow (0.5 rate) of the State budget theme Fz-53F named “New materials for functional electronics on the basis of semiconductor and dielectric crystals of А4ВХ6 and А2ВХ4 groups”.
From January to April 2020 he worked as a lead engineer (0.5 rate) of General Physics Practical Work Laboratory of Department of General Physics of Faculty of Physics.
He worked as a research fellow of the State budget theme Fz-08F named “Transformation of the optic-electronic parameters and structure of new crystalline materials for sensor devices and optoelectronics” (2020-2022 years) and a lecturer of the Department of General Physics (a Part-timer) (AY 2020-2021).
Since September 2021 he has been working as an associate professor of the Department of General Physics. At the same time he was a senior research fellow (0.5 rate) of the State budget theme Fz-08F (a Part-timer).
He also worked as a senior researcher on the topic Fz-39NF (fundamental research of young scientists) “New dual-purpose single-, poly- and nanocrystalline materials for batteries, hydrogen accumulators, sensor technology and electronics” (head of the project is an associate professor of the Department of Experimental Physics, senior researcher M. Ya. Rudysh) in 2023 year.
Since February 2024 he has been working as a senior research fellow (0.5 rate) of the State budget theme Fz-01F (a Part-timer).
The thesis is “Band structure peculiarities and optical characteristics of the ABSO4-group crystals (where A, B = Li, Na, K, NH4) with an isotropic point“. Professor V. Yo. Stadnyk is a supervisor of his thesis. Pavlo Shchepanskyi defended his Ph.D. thesis on 14 May 2019. He has been granted the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences by spesiality Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics on 15 October 2019.
Pavlo Shchepanskyi received the Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for Young Scientists (2020-2022 and 2022-2024).
On November 16, 2020 he was awarded the diploma of the winner of the Regional Award for Employees of Scientific Institutions and Institutions of Higher Education for significant achievements in the field of science.
Together with co-authors, he received the President of Ukraine Award for the work “New multifunctional monocrystalline and polycrystalline materials for batteries, hydrogen storage devices, sensor devises and electronics” (December 2022).
Pavlo Shchepanskyi is a supervisor of Vasyl Vyshnevskyi thesis “Photoelastic properties of A₂BX₄–group ferroics”.
By now he published 80 scientific works and received 3 utility models of Ukraine.
An associate professor Pavlo Shchepanskyi worked as a by-worker of the themes and the grant of the National Research Fund of Ukraine:
- the Economic contractual theme named “Synthesis of a new class of crystalline materials of А2ВХ4 group and study of the prospects of their effective application in electromagnetic radiation controlling devices” in 2017 year;
- the State budget theme Fz-53F named “New materials for functional electronics on the basis of semiconductor and dielectric crystals of А4ВХ6 and А2ВХ4 groups” (2018-2019 years);
- the State budget theme Fz-08F named “Transformation of the optic-electronic parameters and structure of new crystalline materials for sensor devices and optoelectronics” (2020-2022 years). Aim of the work: Elucidation of optic-electronic and band-energy parameters of ferroics of ABSO4 (including substitutional solid solutions and crystals incorporated by transition metal impurities) and A4BX6 structural types and the influence of external fields on them for possible use of the crystals as active elements of functional electronics devices.
- the Grant of the National Research Fund of Ukraine 2020.02/0211 “Experimental and theoretical study and prediction of the photoelastic properties of crystalline materials for devices of electromagnetic radiation control”. Aim of the work: Development of a methodology for accurate study and prediction of refractive characteristics and creation of a database of the firstly synthesized crystalline materials of the A2BX4 group for their effective use in optoelectronic devices, including acoustic-optical cells.
- the theme Fz-39NF (fundamental research of young scientists) “New dual-purpose single-, poly- and nanocrystalline materials for batteries, hydrogen accumulators, sensor technology and electronics” in 2023 year.
Currently Pavlo Shchepanskyi is a senior research fellow (0.5 rate) of the State budget theme Fz-01F named “New broadband materials for detecting and controlling electromagnetic radiation in dual-purpose devices” (01.01.2024 – 31.12.2026). Aim of the work: Synthesis, experimental-theoretical research and elucidation of the mechanism of influence of external factors, cation-anion isomorphic substitutions, as well as admixture with atoms of transition metals on the temperature-spectral changes of the optical-electronic parameters of the crystals of the А2ВХ4 group; development of recommendations regarding the possible practical application of the studied materials as active light-sensitive elements in electromagnetic radiation control devices and sensors.
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