Department of Experimental Physics

  • About the Department
  • Employees
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • Teaching materials
  • History of Department
  • News


ChairpersonAnatoliy VoloshinovskiiChairperson
Associate ProfessorRuslan BrezvinAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorRoman GamernykAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorVasyl’ KurlyakAssociate Professor
Lecturer, Senior Research Fellow (by-worker)Taras MalyiLecturer, Senior Research Fellow (by-worker)
Senior Research FellowOleh AntonyakSenior Research Fellow
Senior Research FellowVitaliy VistovskyySenior Research Fellow
Senior Research FellowAndriy ZhyshkovychSenior Research Fellow
Research FellowNataliia GloskovskaResearch Fellow
Laboratory Chief ManagerLidiya KarplyukLaboratory Chief Manager
Lead Engineer, Lecturer (by-worker)Iryna Man’kovskaLead Engineer, Lecturer (by-worker)
1st Category EngineerLyubov Dul’ka1st Category Engineer
1st Category EngineerZynon Khapko1st Category Engineer
1st Category EngineerIgor Pashuk1st Category Engineer
1st Category EngineerOl’ga Pazdriy1st Category Engineer
Postgraduate StudentMykola DendeberaPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentOleh KostetskyiPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentAndrii ShapravskyiPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentVolodymyr TsiumraPostgraduate Student

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials

The department is constantly working on the preparation and writing of monographs, textbooks, manuals and methodological developments.


  1. Довгий Я.О., Кітик І.В. Електронна будова і оптика нелінійних кристалів. – Львів: Світ, 1996. – 176 с.;
  2. Довгий Я.О. Чарівне явище надпровідність. – Львів: Євросвіт, 2000. – 440 с.;
  3. А.С.Волошиновський, П.О.Родний. Випромінювальні остовно-валентні переходи в широкощілинних діелектричних кристалах. – Львів: Видавн. центр ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2004. – 200 с.;
  4. В.Габа. Спектрально-температурні деформації оптичних індикатрис у іонних кристалах та фізичні аспекти їх практичного застосування. – Львів: Ліга-Прес, 2006. – 228 с. (робота написана на матеріалах лабораторії кристалооптики КЕФ);
  5. В.Стадник, В.Габа. Рефрактометрія діелектричних кристалів з неспівмірними фазами. – Львів: Ліга-Прес, 2010. – 352 с. (робота написана на матеріалах лабораторії кристалооптики КЕФ).
  6. В. Стадник, М. Романюк, Р. Брезвін. Електронна поляризовність фероїків : монографія. – Львів: Вид. центр ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2014. – 306 с.
  7. І.Д. Герич, О.В. Булавенко, Л.Р. Остап’юк, А.С. Волошиновський, С.В. Мягкота. Флуоресцентна спектроскопія: можливості застосування в медичній практиці. – Львів: Ліга-Прес, 2015. – 366 с.
  8. Релаксація високоенергетичних збуджень у нанорозмірних матеріалах / О.В. Гектін, А.С. Волошиновський, О.С. Заіченко, В.В. Вістовський, Т.С. Малий, А.В. Жишкович // Харків: “ІСМА”, 2018.– 217 ст.


  1. М.О.Романюк, А.С.Крочук, І.П.Пашук; за ред. проф. М.О.Романюка. Оптика – Львів : ЛНУ імені Івана Франка. 2012. – 564 с.;


  1. М.О. Романюк М.О. Кристалооптика: конспект лекцій. – Львів: ЛДУ, 1971. – 119 с.;
  2. М.О.Романюк. Акустооптика. – К.: УМК ВО, 1989. – 88 с. М.О.Романюк Кристалооптика. – К.: ІЗМН, 1997. – 432 с.;
  3. М.І.Колінько, А.С.Крочук. Атомна спектроскопія. – Львів: Вид. центр ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2005. – 194 с.;
  4. А.Франів. Вступ до фізики і техніки низьких температур. – Львів: Вид. центр ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2007. – 160 с.;
  5. Р.Г.Гнип, З.А.Хапко, В.В.Вістовський; за ред. проф. Якібчука П.М. Лекційні демонстрації з курсу загальної фізики. Оптика. – Львів: Вид. центр ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2010. – 140 с.;
  6. Р.Г.Гнип, З.А.Хапко, В.В.Вістовський; за ред. проф. Якібчука П.М. Лекційні демонстрації з курсу загальної фізики. Молекулярна фізика і термодинаміка. – Львів: ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2011. – 132 с.;
  7. А.В.Франів,О.В.Бовгира. Задачі з атомної фізики. – Львів: Вид. центр ЛНУ, 2011. – 210 с.
  8. М.О.Романюк. Практикум з кристалооптики і кристалофізики. – Львів: ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2012. – 362 с.;
  9. О.Я.Тузяк, В.Ю.Курляк. Основи електронної та зондової спектроскопії. – Львів, 2012. – 296 с.;
  10. М.О.Романюк. Кристалооптика: навч.посібник. – [2-ге вид. випр. і допов.]. – Львів: ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2017. – 456 с.;
  11. А.Франів, В.Стадник, В.Курляк. Фізика низьких температур : навч. посібник. – Львів: Видавн. центр ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2018. – 362 с.
  12. Мягкота С.В. «Фізика. Електрика і Магнетизм» : практикум // С.В. Мягкота, В.М. Боярчук, А.С. Пушак, В.В. Вістовський, Т.М. Демків. – Львів : ЛНАУ, 2018. – 173 с.

Methodical materials:

  1. Довгий Я.О. Практикум “Оптические квантовые генераторы”. – Киев: Вища школа, 1977.;
  2. М.Колінько, І.Пашук, І.Стефанський. Оптичний практикум. Частина 1. – Львів: ЛНУ, 2000. – 104 с. pdf;
  3. Довгий Я.О. Лазерний практикум. Львів: ЛНУ, 2004. – 210 с.;
  4. М.Колінько, І.Пашук, І.Стефанський. Оптичний практикум. Частина 2. – Львів: ЛНУ, 2004. – 70 с. pdf;
  5. В.Ю.Курляк, Л.Т.Карплюк, М.Р.Тузяк. Практикум з курсу “Атомна фізика” Львів: Вид. центр ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2008. – 112 с. pdf;
  6. А.С. Крочук, М.С. Підзирайло, З.А. Хапко, О.Т. Антоняк. Методичні вказівки до виконання лабораторних робіт з молекулярної спектроскопіі і люмінесценції. Львів: Вид. центр ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2004. – 37с. pdf

Also useful for education:

  1. Пашук І.П., Стефанський І.В. та ін. Фізика – завдання і тести. Частина 1 і 2. – Київ: Генеза, 1993. – 275 с., 184 с.;
  2. В.Стадник, В.Курляк. З когорти плугатарів ( з нагоди 80-річчя від дня народження Миколи Олексійовича Романюка ). – Львів: Євросвіт, 2011. – 116 с.
  3. Шопа Г.М., Бондарчук Я.М. Творчість – його кредо: Зб. На пошану Ярослава Довгого. – Львів: Євросвіт, 2003.

The department has issued a number of guidelines for laboratory work on molecular spectroscopy and luminescence, crystal optics and crystal physics, acousto-optics, dielectric physics, special course “Physics and technology of gas lasers”, “Laser metrology”, “Safety when working with lasers”.

History of Department

Foundation and beginning of scientific activity of the department of Experimental Physics fell on 1872 and was caused by division of the department of Mathematical Physics of Philosophy faculty of Lviv University. Tomash Stanetsky who headed it till 1891 became the first head of the department.

Development of the department and appearance of its present building in 1897 are connected with a name of Ignatsiy Tshaska Zakrzhevsky who was its manager from 1892 to 1920. In formation and development of basic optical and spectral researches at the department the powerful contribution was made by Marian Smolukhovsky, the physicist of the world recognition who began his work at Lviv University in 1898, as well as by Stanislav Loria who headed the department from 1927 and to closing of Lviv University in 1941, which was caused by the events of the II world war. The physicist S. Loria began intensive researches of fluorescence of light with vapours of metals.

In 1944 the department resumed its scientific and pedagogical activity with a new manager – V. A. Kucher and under the leadership of V. S. Miliyanchuc began a new directions of researches on nuclear spectroscopy, influences of non – uniform fields on nuclear ranges. In 1945 from the department of Experimental Physics there was allocated the department of General Physics. Next years when the department was headed by D. D. Lazebnik (1947 – 1948), by O. I. Andrievsky (1948 – 1949), by N. V. Ponirko (1949 – 1953) widening of optico – spectral researches was continued and a new techniques of cultivation of crystals are mastered (F. M. Alemaykin, B. O. Belikovich) and diffraction methods of research of crystals are restored ( V. P. Tsvetkov).

In 1953 – 1962 L. K. Klimovska was the head of the department. In these years the most considerable scientific achivements are connected with researches of spectroscopy of crystals ( L. K. Klimovska; V. N. Vishnevsky; O. B. Liskovich); x – ray metalphysics ( V. P. Tsvetkov; N. F. Kravtsova; Ya. Y. Dutchak; Ya. M. Zakharko; O. Y. Mikolaychuk); of electrophysics (B. M. Palyukh; R. M. Kushnir); of astrophysics ( M. S. Eigenson; S. A. Kaplan).

New directions of researches enabled department of Experimental Physics to allocate the department of Physics of Solids (Solid Body), which later on (1963 – 1964) was divided into the departments of: x-ray metalphysics ( manager Ya. Y. Dutchak); Physics of Solid Body ( manager A. Y. Glauberman); Physics of Semiconductors ( manager M. B. Pashkovsky).
Formation of new departments allowed to concentrate efforts on preparation students of opticospectral specialization.

In 1962 -1971, 1974 – 1977 the department was headed by V. N. Vishnevsky, in 1971 – 1973 – the duties of its manager were done by Turkevich V. V.
At this time researches on luminescence of crystals and VUF spectroscopy began. Developed in 70- th by O. Y. Wlokh researches on non – linear and parametrical optic led to discovery of the phenomenon of electrogyration.

In 1977 -1996 the department was headed by M. O. Romanyuk. In 1979 out of the staff of the departed there was formed a new department of Non – linear Optics (head – O. Y. Wlokh). In these years at the department there started the researchers on spectroscopy of non – linear optical materials; studying of zonal power range of sold bodies; kinetics of fast changing processes; inversion of double refraction.
In 1996 – 2003 years the department was headed by I.V. Stefansky. Since 2003 year the head of the department was A. S. Voloshinovsky.

The personal training of specialists is provided by 3 professors, 6 associated professors, 4 members of the staff of educational support personal and 3 researchers. Among them there is the Honoured Professor of Lviv University, the Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine M. O. Romanyuk, and the Winner of the NAS Award named after A.Ph. Prikhotko – the Honoured Professor Ya. O. Dovgy and Honoured Professor – Voloshilovsky A. S.

The department maintains traditional close contacts with Lviv scientific and industrial organisations, with the Institute of Physics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv T. Shevchenko National University and a number of foreign institutions: in Darsbery Oxford (England), Hamburg (Germany), Wroclaw, Poznan, Czestochow (Poland), Lyon (France), Athens (Greece), Zurich (Switzerland), Minsk (Belarus) Riga (Latvia) and St. Petersburg (Russia).

The department of Experimental Physics provide the basic training on optics of which enables its students to work at the modern spheres of physics, physical, optical-electronical and lazer technology. Among more than 1300 graduates there are Academicians, about 40 Doctors and over 200 Candidates of Science, directors of schools, colleges and factories. Among them: M. S. Brodin, I. A. Klimyshyn, P. G. Ivanitskyi, G. P. Hnatenko, A. O. Borsch, E. B. Soboliev, K. M. Salkova, I. M. Bolesta, A. O. Matkovsky, G. D. Nabytovich, I. I. Polovynko, I. V. Kityk, M. G. Matsko, M. M. Vakiv, B. G. Mytsyk, B. V. Andrievsky, O. B. Lyskovich, G. M. Bomdarchuk and others. Graduates and post-graduates of the department work in Higher Ecucational Establishments of Ukraine, more then 20 persons in Lviv; in Lviv National University, Lviv Politechnica: Associated Professors: Moros E. G., Gaba V. M., Vibliy I. F., Tokarivskyi M. V., Kuzyk M. P., Romanyuk M. M., Moroz I. S., Franiv O. B. and others, in Lviv Agricultural University: Professor Myahkota S. V.; Associated Professors : Kostetskyi O. M. and Bilyi G. M.; in Lviv State Academy Of Veterynary Medicine – Associated Professor Tarnavska S. V., in Drogobych National Pedagogical University – Associated Professor Stan’ko M. G., in Higher Educational Establishments of Ivan-Frankovsk – nearly 10 persons, among them Professor Chernov B. O., in National Forestry University – Associated Professor Vaidanych V. S.

The training of specialists is conducted through the post-graduate education, doctorate and participation of teachers, members of the staff and competitioners for a scientific degree in scientific work. After renewal The work of the department in 1944 the members of the staff (post-graduates, competitioners) defended 11 doctoral dissertations and 68 masters theses.

In these years the department was headed by:
1872 – 1891 – Professor Stanetsky Tomash.
1920 – 1926 – Professor Megrush Roman.
1927 – 1941 – Professor Loria Stanislav.
1944 – 1946 – Professor Kusher Volodymir Antonovich.
1947 – 1948 – Associated Professor Lazebnik Dmitro Danylovich.
1948 – 1949 – Professor Andrievsky Olexander Ivanovich.
1949 – 1953 – Professor Ponirko Nykandr Vladyslavovich.
1953 – 1962 – Associated Professor Klimovska Lyubov Kostyantynivna.
1962 – 1971, 1974 – 1977 – Associated Professor Vishnevsky Vasyl Nikanorovych.
1971 – 1973 – Associated Professor Tukevych Vasyl Vasylovych.
1977 – 1996 – Professor Romanyuk Mykola Olexiyovych.
1996 -2003 – Associated Professor Stefanskyi Ihor Vasylovych.
From July 2003 – Professor Voloshynovskyi Anatoliy Stepanovych.

Nowadays the department develops such directions of researchers:
– Optics of nanoscale objects;
– Nonlinear optical and photovoltic properties of photorefractive crystal;
– Radioactive relaxation of electronic excitations in dielectric crystals;
– Spectral refractometry of ferroelectic crystals.

All-Ukrainian Student School-Conference «Physics: The Basis of Innovation and Technology»

05.02.2025 | 08:47

On February 4-6, 2025, the All-Ukrainian Student School-Conference «Physics: The Basis of Innovation and Technology» was held at the Faculty of Physics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine).
The conference was held in a mixed format: in person at the Physics Faculty of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and in video conference mode on Zoom.
Within the framework of the school-conference, review lectures and practical classes were held; excursions for future applicants together with teachers of the physics...

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08.01.2025 | 23:07

DESY-Ukraine Summer School 2025 for Ukrainian Students
22 July–11 September 2025
Deadline: 15 February 2025
DESY is one of the world’s leading research centers for photon science, particle and astroparticle physics as well as accelerator physics. DESY offers physics students enrolled at a Ukrainian university the opportunity to obtain firsthand research experience at a big international laboratory. Students are invited for an 8-week training period at DESY Hamburg or Zeuthen. This is complemented by a lecture programme.Qualified applicants should have completed three years...

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Prof. Paweł Horodecki will give a seminar in Lviv

28.06.2024 | 15:19

On 3 July the prominent scientist in the field of quantum information, Paweł Horodecki, will give a seminar at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
The title of Prof. Paweł Horodecki’s talk is “Quantum Randomness, Determinism, and the Foundations of Science”.
The abstract can be found here.
Paweł Horodecki is the author of over 200 articles on quantum information theory and the fundamentals of quantum mechanics. He co-founded the National Quantum Information Centre in Gdańsk. He is the co-author of the Horodecki criterion (1996) for...

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